Hey Hoarders - Don't Toss It, Store It!

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Hey Hoarders! We're Lookin' At You!

Don't toss it – Store it!

The world has gone crazy over a decluttering phenomenon! But decluttering isn't for everyone.

Some of us love to horde our stuff and don't want to change our ways.

But that doesn't mean you need to live in an over-stuffed house full of crap, *cough, stuff, everywhere!


Stop stumbling through your belongings, quit having stuff fall off shelves, and reclaim your spare room and dining table with a custom-built garage storage system that will store everything you own! 


Now, we won't say this will be a quick job for you, especially if you're house and garage are stuffed to the brim. But, still, we love a challenge, and our garage storage experts will take you by the hand and help you plan and create a storage solution to sort your stuff out once and for all because, let's be honest here, there are most likely things you can not find or did not even know you have!

If you want to hold onto most of your belongings, you will probably need to tackle this job over a few weekends unless you have some holidays up your sleeve!

A garage storage shelving system with clear plastic tubs for storage

In The Beginning

The first job is to measure up your walls. 

Send us your measurements and give us an idea of how much you have to store – we won't judge! Promise! Then our storage expert will create a plan and send you a design and quote.

Once you've decided what storage solutions you'd like in consultation with our storage team, you'll need to clean up your garage to be ready for storage installation. 


What Storage Is Best For You!

The bones of your GarageKing Garage Storage Solutions are our perforated wall bays.

Once you've measured your wall space, we can plan how many perforated smart wall bays will fit in your garage.

Then it's time to consider what storage accessories you need to organise your stuff and your life. 

We have an extensive range of garage storage products to choose from - cabinets, draws, shelves, workbenches, hooks, brackets and baskets. 


What's Next?

Take everything out and sort it into categories as you go. This is a big job, but it's the best way to do it, and you will be glad you did it in the end.

Toss anything broken or damaged or that you know you don't want – come on now, there has to be something!

It will also give you a thorough idea of how many shelves, baskets, hooks, and accessories you will need. You can add more storage accessories to your order at any time. 


TIP: We have a free downloadable Storage Check List to help your figure out what kind of things most people store based on their lifestyle, hobbies and interests. 

Garage storage shelf with plastic storage containers

Now is the time to figure out if you need storage tubs and what type of tubs you'd like.

Do you want transparent tubs so you can see what's in them? Or do you want a solid colour to hide your things away? Consider the size of the containers you'll need now too.

If, for example, you have some collectables that you'd like to be able to see, then go with clear acrylic tubs. They look neat without hiding your collectable away completely. 


Seasonal items like Christmas decorations can be stored away in stronger tubs.

A good-looking storage system trick is picking one or two types of tubs and sticking with them. 


TIP: Buy some tubs before you start sorting your belongings. Those Christmas decorations we just mentioned can be stored away in your chosen tubs as you go.


Once your GarageKing Storage System is installed, it's time to get organised!

Decide once and for all what you are storing where.

Hopefully, you sorted everything into categories as you pulled it out of your garage. If not, now is the time. Give everything a good wipe-down before you put it back.


Tips To Storage That Works!


  • Anything valuable, breakable or poisonous can be stored in our metal storage cabinet.


  • Anything that's an odd shape can be stored in our metal wire storage baskets.


  • Anything you can hang should be hung.


  • Store seasonal items and things you don't regularly use, like Christmas decorations, camping equipment and luggage up high to get it out of the way.


  • Categories! Store like with like - keep your tools together and sports equipment together. 


  • Consider who needs access to what and ensure their possessions are easily accessible. For example, if your 10-year-old plays sports and can't reach their balls, shoes, uniform and bag, they will most likely end up on the floor after the game and not back where they belong.


  • Make sure you put everything away as soon as you are finished with it. It's easier to contain your things as you go. Otherwise you will end up with a mess again!


Ultimately, it's okay to own a crap load of stuff. However, you must be organised and stay on top of everything.

Trust us! 

Less Mess = Less Stress!

garage storage products

TOP TIP: Don't waste the valuable space between your shelves! This wall space can increase your available storage while giving you easy access.

Ready To Get Started On Your Garage Storage Journey?

Claim your FREE measure, design and quote from our team of garage storage experts now!

1300 208 502


Our smart wall bays make storage simple!

They work on a plu-and-play method and to rearrange your shelves simply click the brackets in and out!

Garage storage perforated wall bay with shelves and plastic tubs


grey metal garage storage system with perforated wall bays, adjustable shelving and system plastic storage tubs


GarageKing garage storage shelves with system plastic storage tubs

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